Snow storm braved by Without Papers support group
Calgary protests held in support of Without Papers Pizza have evolved into a support group.
We’ve already shown you the unfortunate situation between Without Papers Pizza and local bureaucrats who claim to try and protect the health and safety of all of us. In this case, they shut down this pizzeria for not discriminating against their own clientele.
As the situation continued, protests were held in support of WOP’s decision, but over the weeks this protest has evolved into a support group. This support is tailored towards those who have been marginalized by the QR code mandates being imposed by all levels of government here in Canada.
Winter has now come here in Calgary, but even in the face of an over -30°C wind chill, this support group remains dedicated to those feeling left behind by our politicians. On a warmer note, Jesse, has informed us that next week Santa will be making an appearance for the younger members of this group.
We asked about how some people were being told by relatives that they must show proof of vaccination in order to attend family Christmas dinners, and if it was something relative to the experiences of those in attendance. We also asked about what their message was, and what made them determined enough to come outside in considerably foul weather to stand for what they believe.
There are initiatives currently taking the government to task over their vaccine mandates, such as The Democracy Fund which seeks to provide legal defence for those who have been given no further options in how to proceed with their daily lives. To donate directly to that legal fight, go to and remember donations will qualify you for a charitable tax receipt.
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