The UN Climate Prom is mercifully over

The weeks-long annual meeting of global warming control freaks and comfort scolds very nearly fell apart after the host country made it clear: The UAE will not be phasing out fossil fuels to please anyone.

Sultan Al Jaber headed the conference for the United Arab Emirates, but rather than succumb to alarmism, Al Jaber cleaved to reality, telling the UN that phasing out fossil fuels would send people back to the stone age.

Al Jaber is the head of the state-run oil company, ADNOC, and, unlike most environmentalists, he is a scientist in his own right with a BSc in Chemical engineering.

On the eve of the meeting, a deal of sorts was struck, wherein 200 countries pledged to "move away" from fossil fuels. When and how remains to be clarified.

But what does that mean, "move away?" Tom Harris from the International Climate Science Coalition Canada joins the show tonight to explain.

GUEST: Tom Harris, Executive Director of the International Climate Science Coalition Canada.


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