Tucker Carlson to release documentary asking: should the U.S. liberate Canada?

As part of a new documentary, Fox News host Tucker Carlson is asking if the United States should liberate Canada from the rule of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

The question is posed against the backdrop of recent American military interventions in Iraq and Libya, where the world's foremost power ostensibly acted to oust the two nations' despotic rulers, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi.

In the teaser for the documentary, titled “O, Canada”, speeches from former presidents John F. Kennedy, George W. Bush and Barack Obama highlight the U.S.'s pro-democracy stance as clips from Canada's strict lockdown play.

“For more than 100 years the United States has as a matter of official policy opposed dictatorships around the world. But what if tyranny arrived right next door?” Carlson asks in the trailer's introduction. “Would we liberate the people living under authoritarian rule as we have around the world?”

Various incidents, like the seizing of Grace Life Church and the arrest of Pastor Tim Stephens, that have been documented by Rebel News feature in the film.

Reporters David Menzies and Alexa Lavoie, who were both on the receiving end of enforcement from police acting on behalf of Trudeau, detail to the world what it's like telling the other side of the story here in Canada.

Carlson's previous comments about the U.S. hypothetically liberating Canada drew the ire of grandstanding politicians in the House of Commons. The documentary does not yet have a release date, but will air on Fox's streaming service, Fox Nation as part of the Tucker Carlson Originals series.


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