A convoy from Quebec to Ottawa for the next generation's future

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On Saturday, March 26, a demonstration took place in the form of a convoy in LĂ©vis, Quebec. It was in memory and support of the Freedom Convoy, that occupied Parliament Hill and its surroundings in Ottawa and was unfortunately dismantled when Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act last month.

The demonstrators wanted to revive the pro-freedom movement in order to send a message to the public that the state of health emergency is still present. The future of their children was also one of the main interests of this movement.

Despite the way the Ottawa convoy ended, this one's organizers collaborated closely with the police to ensure that everything went down smoothly. They left Quebec City for Ottawa and then returned to Quebec City the following day.

Here is what happened on the morning of Saturday, March 26.

Samedi le 26 mars, une manifestation a pris naissance sous forme de convoi à Lévis, au Québec. C'était en mémoire et soutien au convoi de la liberté qui a occupé la colline Parlementaire et ses environs à Ottawa et qui a malheureusement été démantelé lorsque Justin Trudeau a invoqué la Loi sur les mesures d'urgence le mois dernier.

Les manifestants ont voulu faire renaître le mouvement pro-liberté afin de faire comprendre à la population que l’état d’urgence sanitaire est encore présent. Le futur de leurs enfants était également un des principaux intérêts de ce mouvement.

Malgré comment s’est terminé le convoi d'Ottawa, les organisateurs de celui-ci ont collaboré de près avec les autorités policières pour assurer son bon déroulement. Ces derniers sont partis de Québec en direction d’Ottawa pour ensuite revenir à Québec le lendemain.

Voici ce qui s’est passé le matin du samedi, 26 mars.

Alexandra Lavoie

Quebec based Journalist

Alexa graduated with a degree in biology from Laval University. Throughout her many travels, she has seen political instability as well as corruption. While she witnessed social disorder on a daily basis, she has always been a defender of society’s most vulnerable. She’s been around the world several times, and now joins Rebel News to shed light on today’s biggest stories.


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