Ezra Levant: Why is Trudeau ending the no-fly list for his unvaccinated enemies?
Justin Trudeau’s government in Ottawa is set to announce on Tuesday an end to the COVID-19 vaccine mandates for air travel and trains, ending almost a year since they were put into effect on Oct. 30, 2021.
The move to get rid of the vaccine requirement may not be permanent, however, as a new variant of the virus may prompt a reinstatement of the mandate, according to sources who spoke to CBC.
One might ask why Trudeau is only now ending what is effectively a “no-fly list” for the unvaccinated.
“In February, the trucker convoy broke the false consciousness that an endless lockdown was accepted by all Canadians. The political parties, the media, the courts & businesses had perpetrated that falsehood,” wrote Rebel News founder Ezra Levant. “That didn't dissuade Trudeau — in fact, it made him more vengeful. But it showed Canadians they weren't alone if they disagreed with Trudeau's civil liberties bonfire. And the truckers removed Erin O'Toole, Trudeau's Conservative lockdown collaborator.”
“But still, Trudeau persisted,” Levant added. “As every other country abandoned lockdowns, Canada went rogue. And why not? Jagmeet Singh gave Trudeau an effective majority; and 99% of journalists were on the take with his bail-out. No judge stopped him. Really, why would Trudeau relent?”
“WestJet's new CEO — a foreigner unfamiliar with the submissive obedience of our corporate class — called for the end of mandates. His cowardly counterpart at Air Canada knew better than to challenge Trudeau. Every CEO was silent. And if they weren't, who cares? Not Trudeau.”
“But just as the truckers were an unexpected saviour, so was an American hockey player turned journalist, Ryan Whitney. He was trapped in Toronto's airport for a full day, and made a viral video about it — more than 2 million views,” said Levant, linking to a viral video by Whitney, who complains at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport.
I live at Toronto Pearson International airport. The worst place on earth. I smell so bad. pic.twitter.com/PfdnHcO7Ad
— Ryan Whitney (@ryanwhitney6) June 6, 2022
“Like all insecure Canadians, Trudeau cares more about what foreigners think than what we think. Especially someone cool like a former pro hockey player, now a viral journalist. That video tipped the scales. And the bumbling transport minister [Omar Alghabra] just made it worse,” said Levant. “But the acute reason the mandates are being dropped TOMORROW is that Trudeau just violated the law himself. He was in the U.S. again, on another vacation, and he came back with Covid. Hang on — that's illegal. You can't enter Canada if you have Covid. Trudeau just did.”
“He's broken the laws before — when he came back, from another jaunt last year, he left quarantine when he got bored. Again, illegal for you or me. But he's above the law,” said Levant, pointing to a news report on Trudeau’s departure from hotel quarantine days faster than any other Canadian is required to be housed.
“Trudeau violating quarantine was winked at by the Media Party back then. But there is so much anger and irritation at the absurd no-fly list in June of 2022, combined with the airport meltdowns, that Trudeau's advisers guess that his law-breaking probably wouldn't slide now,” Levant explained. “That's why tomorrow we'll be free. Not because of the Conservatives, who supported the no-fly list and other vaccine segregation until five minutes ago. Not because of the courts, that have never said no to Trudeau. Not because of the media, that called for harsher lockdowns.”
“If we're indeed freed tomorrow, it's because the truckers broke the trance that Canadians were in, where the establishment had convinced millions of us that resistance was futile. And because of an American sports journalist, who pointed out that the emperor had no clothes,” said Levant.
“And the safest bet of all: Trudeau's own corruption and lawlessness. That he crossed the border into Canada while infectious. That he will (of course) not be quarantined. That he flies sick, without a mask. His own arrogance ensured that his discrimination was untenable.”
13. The constitutional challenge to the no-fly list by Brian Peckford and @JCCFCanada will continue. But why didn't the @SCC_eng fast-track a constitutional challenge? The Supremes have not heard a single lockdown case in two years. So much for the Charter -- what a lie.
— Ezra Levant 🍁🚛 (@ezralevant) June 14, 2022
14. The Liberal pollster @abacusdataca laments the loss of trust in institutions. They blame conspiracy theories. But the government, opposition, courts, media, NGOs, medical profession, academics -- they were all colluding against our rights. It actually was an open conspiracy.
— Ezra Levant 🍁🚛 (@ezralevant) June 14, 2022
15. Not one of those institutions freed us. The Globe and Mail did not write editorial after editorial demanding an end to the junk-science ban on air travel. The Toronto Star didn't stand up for civil liberties. None of them gave a damn -- and they denounced those who did.
— Ezra Levant 🍁🚛 (@ezralevant) June 14, 2022
“Never forget those who abandoned you — and abandoned Canadian values like freedom and privacy. Never forget them, as they gaslight you now, pretending they were on your side the whole time. It was the truckers and [Ryan Whitney] who freed us,” wrote Levant.
17. Last tweet: did @OmarAlghabra even know the news? Did Trudeau even tell him -- or did he read about it just now, like we did? Here's our @wdiazberthiaume asking him about it just an hour ago. Alghabra seems clueless and arrogant, just like his boss: https://t.co/KV1SXaRLxI
— Ezra Levant 🍁🚛 (@ezralevant) June 14, 2022

Ian Miles Cheong
Ian Miles Cheong is a freelance writer, graphic designer, journalist and videographer. He’s kind of a big deal on Twitter.