Father exposes child grooming books in Canadian schools

In today’s report I interview a British Columbia man who has been sounding the alarm for parents and school boards when it comes to sexually explicit books popping up in school libraries across the country.

Pierre Barns is a father of four who has done extensive research on the books that are currently being normalized in some Canadian public schools, thanks to controversial sexual orientation and gender identity agenda’s like the SOGI 123 curriculum.

“They don’t seem to care” Barns told me in reference to Burnaby’s Board of Education which is where I met up with him to do the interview. Barns has been emailing many Canadian school boards to make sure their elected officials are aware of books like “It’s Perfectly Normal” and “Sex is a Funny Word” in their school district's libraries. Such books show graphic illustrations for children of things like adults masturbating, or performing various heterosexual and homosexual acts on each other.

A previous Rebel News report informed the public about four and five-year-old children in a B.C. junior kindergarten class who were sent home with a masturbation assignment. The Canadian Centre for Child Protection includes “encouraging a child to masturbate or watch others masturbate” as an example of non-contact sexual abuse.

Another shocking finding in Barns' research is a collection of over 2000 cases of sexual misconduct involving minors from adults in Canada’s education system.

Barns believes the age-inappropriate books that he is raising awareness about could be used as tools by such predators to aid them in child grooming through the education system. He also argues that children being exposed to such sexually explicit materials can make it difficult for teachers to notice signs that a child may have been sexually abused, since in the past, a young child even having knowledge about such sexual practices would have served as a red flag to most teachers.

Similar to the controversy we are seeing over the normally-reserved-for-adult entertainment found in drag queen story-time events and even summer camps now targeting kids, many people learning about the contents of theses books are concerned that the radical gender identity agenda is beginning to normalize the sexualization of young children.

Watch the video report above to hear more from Barns about why he believes this issue should concern citizens and school board officials alike. If you appreciate that Rebel News brought you this important report, please consider helping us cover costs to our journalism and stay informed by subscribing to our exclusive content at RebelNewsPlus.com

Drea Humphrey

B.C. Bureau Chief

Based in British Columbia, Drea Humphrey reports on Western Canada for Rebel News. Drea’s reporting is not afraid to challenge political correctness, or ask the tough questions that mainstream media tends to avoid.


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