“Isolation is worse than COVID”: Haircuts & health professionals at Toronto re-open rally
“Yahoo Nation” returned to the lawns of Queen’s Park for its tenth consecutive Saturday protest. Granted, the sheer number of yahoos was noticeably lower, but their message remained the same: they want Ontario Premier Doug Ford to reopen the economy. That is, fully reopen the economy instead of the drips and drabs depending on which part of the province one resides.
But while the demonstrators are clearly upset with Ford’s handling of the Wuhan virus, could it be that others in Ontario are actually impressed with his governance? That’s what a recent Campaign Research-Toronto Star poll would seem to suggest.
The survey found that 53 per cent approved of Ford’s performance, while 22 per cent disapproved and 22 per cent had no opinion. Bottom line: the premier now has an overall approval rating of 31 per cent.
Now, a 31 per cent approval rating might not be reason to break open the champagne. But get this: that figure represents an 80-point swing from last year when Ford’s approval rating was actually NEGATIVE 49 per cent! Well if you can believe the pollsters, that is.
And these days that is indeed a big if. Yahoo Nation was clearly not amused by the announcement earlier in the week that Premier Ford was yet again extending the emergency orders for another 10 days until July 10. Oh, that’s not to be confused with the province’s state of emergency – that, too, was recently extended until July 15.
In any event, I did some amateur makeshift polling myself by asking several yahoos (many of whom voted Progressive Conservative in 2018) to rate the premier’s performance on a scale of 1 to 10.
The bottom line: for those clamouring for economic freedom, it looks like it’s gonna be a long, hot, joyless summer.

David Menzies
Mission Specialist
David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.