Star Wars: attack of the Lethbridge police and more displays of shocking government overreach

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So, what happens when you get a teenage girl to dress up as a Star Wars character to promote a business during these dark days of the Coronavirus? Well, in Lethbridge, Alberta, you get severe beat-down by the cops! Keean Bexte will weigh-in on what is perhaps the most egregious over-reach by law enforcement so far this year.

Speaking of law enforcement overreach, Sheila Gunn Reid offers her thoughts on a young mother in North Bay, Ontario, who was allegedly roughed up by the cops, verbally insulted, arrested, searched handcuffed, fined $880, and shoved into a police cruiser, right in front of her 5-year-old. And her crime? She was letting her daughter enjoy some play time on a swing in a deserted public park! Wow, throw away the key…!

We get your letters every minute of every day. I’ll share some of your responses regarding another protest on the lawns of Queen’s Park on Saturday by individuals who want to get back to work or school. While Premier Doug Ford calls these people “yahoos” I actually encountered many savvy people making profound arguments to loosen the reigns of the Coronavirus crackdown.


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  • By David Menzies

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