Is Canada worse than an Islamic regime? | Mocha Bezirgan | Andrew Says 28


From teenage celebrity status in Turkey to producer and videographer extraordinaire in Canada, Abdusselam a.k.a. 'Mocha' Bezirgan has accomplished so much at such a young age.

Within his first year as Rebel News cast member, Bezirgan has endured seemingly countless attacks while on the job, both physical and verbal. From Antifa attacks in Kingston, Ontario, to harassment and arrest by Montreal police during strict curfew enforcement, Mocha has worked as a jet-setting, train-riding journalist across the continent.

Mocha joins Andrew Says for a behind the scenes breakdown of what it has been like covering Rebel News' most exciting (for better or worse) interactions, his move from Turkey to Canada, and on Rebel News+, gives a detailed recap of the Montreal boat fiasco where Montreal police created a 'crime scene' out of journalists doing their jobs.

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