Avi Yemini HAMMERS U.N. official on terror ties at Davos

While the UN preaches “sustainability” and “peace,” reports of corruption, mismanagement, and even harbouring extremists continue to pile up.

Rebel News' Avi Yemini cornered Achim Steiner, administrator of the United Nations Development Programme and vice-chair of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group, with tough questions about corruption, terrorist links within the UN, and globalist accountability.

Yemini asked the questions no mainstream journalist would dare: “Do you have any idea how many terrorists are in the ranks of any UN organization?”

Steiner deflected, calling the question “generic” and refusing to acknowledge the reality of documented cases of terrorist involvement in UN operations. When Yemini pointed out that hostages in Israel were found in UN facilities, Steiner feigned ignorance: “I have not seen that report.

Avi wasn't done, asking if the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)—often accused of working closely with Hamas operatives—should be rebranded as Hamas itself. Steiner’s evasions spoke louder than words. As Avi remarked, “If they just called themselves Hamas, it would be more honest branding.”

Steiner wasn’t expecting Rebel News to confront him in the streets of Davos, but his inability to answer basic questions about UN corruption and terrorist ties only underscores the rot within these so-called global institutions.

While the UN preaches “sustainability” and “peace,” reports of corruption, mismanagement, and even harbouring extremists continue to pile up.

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Avi Yemini

Chief Australian Correspondent

Avi Yemini is the Australia Bureau Chief for Rebel News. He's a former Israeli Defence Force marksman turned citizen journalist. Avi's most known for getting amongst the action and asking the tough questions in a way that brings a smile to your face.



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  • Bruce Atchison
    commented 2025-01-24 23:29:40 -0500
    Why do we need the UN anyway? For its 80-year history, it’s been a sounding board for communists and jihadists. They’ve hated Israel from the start. A list of all the anti-Israel motions they’ve made would fill a very large tome. Like the League of Nations, they don’t stop wars. It’s time to disband this useless organization.
  • Wayne Currie
    commented 2025-01-24 19:06:18 -0500
    UN terrorists are destabilizing the West. Time for all western countries to withdraw from the UN.
  • John Landry
    commented 2025-01-23 19:22:27 -0500
    He reminds me of Peter Sellers. LOL