Church in the Vine launches an appeal of convictions and $80k fine

The Edmonton church and Pastor Tracy Fortin were convicted and fined earlier for refusing to allow Alberta Health inspectors to enter the sanctuary to check for COVID compliance during worship services, active prayer and children's church.

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Pastor Tracy Fortin and her husband, Pastor Rodney, along with their lawyer James Kitchen, are appealing the ruling on the grounds that the judge was biased and that the fines issues were way beyond the sentencing guidelines for a similar offence.

The Fortins and their congregation have been helped through their legal battle at no cost to them through your generous, tax-deductible donations to, through a partnership with the registered Canadian charity, The Democracy Fund.

Each Sunday after the initial invasion of health inspectors and police, Tracy politely refused the COVID inspection team entry, advising them to come back at a different time when active worship and prayer were not underway. The team never came back at a later time, instead levying charges against Tracy and the church as an entity for obstruction of a public health officer, an offence wherein the fine upon conviction is normally in the hundreds of dollars.

To sign our petition calling on the next leader of the United Conservative Party to offer amnesty to lockdown resisters, and to see the beautiful 47-foot billboard on the side of Highway 2 supporting Tracy and her church, please visit

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