WATCH: Did this woke WEF billionaire just try to buy me out?!

This is what happened when Aussie mining magnate Andrew Forrest tried to turn my camera off in Davos.

After a massive week in Davos exposing the global elites, I’m back in Melbourne — jetlagged, a little under the weather, but re-energised to keep holding the powerful to account.

One of my biggest challenges at the World Economic Forum was tracking down Andrew Forrest, the billionaire mining magnate who loves preaching woke ideology while raking in money from Australian resources. When I landed back home, I wasn’t shocked to read in the Financial Review that Forrest was standing firm against what they called “Trump’s attacks on diversity initiatives.”

This was the same Andrew Forrest who dodged me four separate times in Davos when I tried to ask him real questions.

The first time, he brushed me off, claiming he was “running late to an incredibly important human rights issue.” But when I caught up with him later, that excuse was out the window. Instead, he admitted he doesn’t do “on-the-spot interviews.” That’s code for: unless it’s a friendly journalist lobbing softball questions, he’s suddenly “too flat out.”

I’ll admit, for a second, I almost believed he was being genuine — he’s got that charismatic way of delivering excuses. But then my instincts kicked in, and I wasn’t going to let him off that easily. I kept pressing, but all I got in return was banter and, at one point, a fake offer for a beer.

Hours later, Forrest passed by again, and this was the most revealing moment of all. With the cameras seemingly off, he suddenly wanted to chat privately. Without the public scrutiny, he was all charm, throwing out compliments about my work — yeah, right. We both know I stand against everything he pushes.

To his credit, his staff did reach out to organise a meeting. But when the time came, they conveniently pushed it to “next year.” Sounds like a tactic to get rid of me, not a genuine offer to talk.

That’s fine. I’ll be following up — next year, with a camera and mic, of course.

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Rebel News is sending a team of six journalists and videographers to Davos, Switzerland to expose the global elites at this year's Annual General Meeting of the World Economic Forum. Our team is sharing a single economical Airbnb located an hour away from Davos, as every hotel room in the city is booked up by the elites. We're walking and taking the train to and from Davos daily to save money. Between economy class flights, the shared Airbnb, train tickets, meals, and a lot of coffee, this project will cost Rebel News more than $50,000. Please chip in to help us cover these costs so that we can bring you this exclusive reporting.


Avi Yemini

Chief Australian Correspondent

Avi Yemini is the Australia Bureau Chief for Rebel News. He's a former Israeli Defence Force marksman turned citizen journalist. Avi's most known for getting amongst the action and asking the tough questions in a way that brings a smile to your face.


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  • Howard Mirkin
    commented 2025-01-30 19:30:47 -0500
    Other countries like Argentina, Italy, the USA, etc., are proving differently. Their people have awakened, but it seems to me (as an outsider) that Canadians are complacently sitting back, waiting for the next elections (will there be more elections?), and doing little or nothing to instill fear into the enemies. I would hope that there are unpublicized efforts on-going to change this that I don’t know about, but if Canada’s leftwing takes over by hook or crook, many Canadians will be wishing that they could have become the 51st or perhaps the 52nd or 53rd, etc. state. At any rate, I think that Rebel News could do far better by asking tougher questions. Non-answers and even denials in the face oif evidence can be effective.
  • Bruce Atchison
    commented 2025-01-30 18:17:25 -0500
    This is the way the billionaires roll. We’re just peons for them to pee on.
  • Howard Mirkin
    commented 2025-01-30 09:02:03 -0500
    I would have thought that the main objective is to get the globalists to spill something confidential as well as to expose their reluctance to say anything. For example, what strategy will the WEF use now that Donald Trump has killed their attempt to impose consumer CBDCs on the United States? Phrased another way: How many countries do they think will follow the USA in banning retail CBDCs. When will they stop lying about climate being an existential threat? If the world starts eating insects, what will the WEF members be eating? Isn’t it hypocritical to jet in and tell the world to stop using fossil fuels? Is the real objective of 15 minute or smart cities to isolate people into small concentration camps? If you want to expose anything then similar provocative questions are in order. Ask a bunch of them the same qustions with the same wording to see how they respond?