Britain's mass migration dystopia comes true as foreigners flood country

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Tonight, on The Ezra Levant Show, a terrible prediction for the United Kingdom as mass immigration comes true.

A British politician named Enoch Powell warned about mass immigration to the U.K. decades ago. He forewarned people not from the British or Commonwealth culture coming to the Island nation in droves.

Not only did legal immigration increase dramatically in recent decades, but illegal immigration across the English Channel also skyrocketed.

The Conservative Party -- conservative in name only -- loved immigration for their own reasons, like the governing Labour Party.

They thought it would help the GDP, and salvage them against accusations of racism. They would ultimately match the Labour Party on the immigration file. 

All that did was fuel a burning resentment from working class white Brits. For them, neither party is trustworthy.

GUEST: Rebel's Drea Humphrey on pro-Hamas mobs blocking a Vancouver Pride event, which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joined for a photo-op.

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