Is Sneaky Patrick Brown involved in yet another real estate scandal?
GUEST HOST: David Menzies
There’s a nice house on Main Street in Brampton, Ontario not far from Brampton City Hall. From the outside, it is not exceptional; inside, however, well, that’s a different story. As well, this house has a very interesting recent sales history. In fact, some aspects regarding the various transactions just don’t seem to add up; other things associated with this house seem downright suspicious in nature.
Oh, did I forget to mention that the house once belonged to the current mayor of Brampton, Patrick Brown. Yes, that same infamous individual who is never far removed from shenanigans and scandal; he who bears the nickname, the Sneaky One?
Brown and wife only lived here for a short period of time. That’s because two months ago, June 16 to be exact, His Worship sold the house for $2,225,000. And interestingly, it was sold to a numbered company, namely, 2795224 Ontario Limited.
Please note that the selling price in June compared to just three years ago was almost double. That was certainly not due to a GTA real estate market that’s in decline; rather, this significant markup was due to the six figures’ worth of renovations that went into those interior upgrades.
But the question arises: who, exactly, paid for those upgrades?
Well knock me down with a feather: our source tells us it was none other than… the Kapil family! Yes, the former owners of the home. But why would they do that? Why would the Kapils sink some $750,000 into a home that they were vacating?
We sent out emails to Mayor Brown, Brown’s Chief of Staff, Babu Nagalingam, Dave Kapil, and the City of Brampton’s Chief Administrative Officer, Paul Morrison. Our questions:
- What is the name of the person behind the numbered company that bought Mayor Brown's house 60 days before the last municipal election?
- Who did the luxury upgrades to the house? How much was spent?
- Were the renovations done by the Kapil family (who Mayor Brown purchased the house from)? Or was it the numbered company Mayor Brown sold it to? And was the sale related to any City of Brampton contracts?
- What is the name of the person behind the numbered company that was awarded the City of Brampton PPE contract? I understand a cheque for approximately $1-million was sent to that particular numbered company (to a post office box in Ottawa.) Is this indeed correct?
And here’s the response we received from the media relations department for the City of Brampton:
In response to questions 1-3, the City does not comment on such matters. With regards to question 4, please file a Freedom of Information request.
Oh, we will file an FOI. As for Dave Kapil, to this date we have yet to receive a response.
Our take: Sneaky Patrick Brown runs Brampton as his own personal fiefdom these days. There is no longer a City of Brampton Integrity Commissioner – Brown’s personal friend, Muneeza Sheik – was recently fired. And even though we hand-delivered a dossier with all this information to the City’s CAO, Mr. Morrison, he hasn’t even acknowledged receipt of our package.
Enough is enough. This real estate transaction and the awarding of Brampton’s uber-secretive PPE contract stinks like the proverbial dead skunk in the middle of the road.
And since this increasingly dysfunctional city clearly cannot govern itself, it is now high time for law enforcement to get involved. So how about it, OPP and RCMP? Are you going to carry out your duties?
GUEST: Lewis Brackpool (@Lewis_Brackpool) on the new Rebel News documentary The Boer: A Dutch Farmer Rebellion premiering tomorrow night on our YouTube channel.
FINALLY: Your messages to me!