Judges tried to destroy one of their own — because of one CBC article. Imagine what they could do to you.

I’ve got a good news story from the Federal Court of Canada. That’s not something I thought I’d ever say.

This ruling concerns a judge who is suing other judges. 

So Judge Smith is suing — or "appealing," to be more precise — rulings by Judge Pidgeon and a bunch of other judges who had condemned him. So it’s a judge civil war, and Judge Zinn is the referee.

Judge Smith took a temporary position as the dean of the Lakehead University law school, and the other judges said that was unethical. I'm not kidding.

This is an Aboriginal-focused law school. They’re having some trouble. The whole place is wobbly and rickety. The university’s president is desperate for someone to save the day. It’s a bit unconventional, but a sitting judge might just be the right person — they literally ask him to do a favour to save the school. Not just any school, but a school that has a purpose of helping aboriginal people in the law. Sounds pretty woke to me, something that you’d think would receive support from everyone.

And Judge Smith "sits in the Northwest Region and before becoming a judge in 2001, practised law in Thunder Bay for 25 years. He has significant expertise in Aboriginal and Indigenous law.”

He also "is called upon regularly by judges across Canada to assist with the mediation of land claims and other litigation between First Nations and various levels of government."

He sounds like the perfect choice for that job. He got permission to take the position for six months.

So get this:

The CBC writes a story about the judge — and includes rancour from some critics. Some people had wanted an aboriginal judge to take the job instead, for example. Then Norman Sabourin of the Canadian Judicial Council reads that CBC story and starts an investigation into the judge’s ethics. The week he accepted the job. He actually hadn’t even started it yet.

Does Judge Smith need any of this? Does he need the hassle, the stress, the weird attempt to shame him? No, he does not. Does he need the investigation and prosecution of him? No, he does not.

So he resigned. That’s what they wanted him to do, so he did it. Not sure how that helps the law school or the reputation of the law, or aboriginal students. Not sure.

But that weirdo Norman Sabourin — who acted in the absence of a complaint, let me say that again, no human complained, just some whiny report in the CBC, and that was enough — Sabourin got his way. Judge Smith quit.

But Sabourin and the Canadian Judicial Council proceeded against Judge Smith anyway. Even after he quit.

I’m serious.

And — incredibly — they leaked their ruling against him to the media, before even telling him!

TONIGHT I'll take you through this case. Besides being really gross and really weird, it's an important one, and so is Judge Zinn's ruling in Judge Smith's favour.

So why did they prosecute him, drive him out, sue him, condemn him, leak against him?

Justice Zinn has a theory:

It was that CBC article.

Based on that, the Canadian Judicial Council set out to destroy a good man — a better man than any of them, a man who had done more for Aboriginal people than any of them.

The judge had a lawyer. The judges he’s suing each had lawyers. There were lawyers for lawyers. And then there’s the judge, judging the judges who judged the judge.

Did this whole thing cost a million dollars? Probably.

If these politically correct, abusive, secretive, biased, corrupt, unreasonable judges can do this to one of their own — what do you think they could do to you?

NEXT: Writer and author of American IngrateBen Weingarten joins me to talk about how the U.S. media helps China spread propaganda about the Wuhan Virus and more.

FINALLY: Your messages to me!



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