Find the Arsonist
Ezra Levant is offering $10,000 of his own money to the first person who can provide information that leads to an arrest of the criminals burning down churches in Western Canada. (We will keep your identity confidential).
The RCMP and the Trudeau government don't seem to care about these targeted hate crimes -- and frankly, many in the media are actively cheering it on. Imagine if it were mosques or synagogues being burned or defaced -- it would be a national crisis, and rightly so.
Many of these churches are the heart of their communities, and Indigenous people who attend these churches are the true victims here.
Arson is a serious crime; and a crime wave of anti-Christian arson is a national scandal.
Help us get justice by sending us confidential tips to find the arsonist -- and please help us spread the word.
Please don't take matters into your own hands.
*the above-noted reward is payable at Rebel News' sole discretion upon confirmation of the arrest of individual(s) resulting directly from material information provided by the respondent to Rebel News and thereafter communicated by Rebel News to the applicable authorities. Rebel News retains the right to pro-rate the reward amount among multiple similarly-situated respondents at its sole and absolute discretion.