First Nations Chief says he was brutalized by RCMP — but there's more to the story
Is the RCMP part of a systemic racism problem in Fort McMurray?
If you got all your news from Greta Thunberg and the mainstream media, that answer is definitely yes.
Chief Allan Adam of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation said in a recent press conference that he was brutalized and “manhandled” by the RCMP during a traffic stop for an expired registration on March 15. The altercation left him with a black eye and injured face as evidenced in photos taken at the time. Adam also released a cellphone video of part of the incident.
The RCMP investigation after the incident and found the use of force to be legitimate.
The mainstream media immediately called the arrest and altercation racism. Greta Thunberg also gave her opinion: she called it shameful abuse of indigenous people.
But, now a longer 11-minute police dashcam video has been released and it shows Adam acting aggressively, calling on the cops to fight. The media frequently uses a shorter 5 minute long excerpt in much of their reporting.
Is Allan Adam the victim of a racist RCMP? Did the RCMP cover-up an excessive use of force at a routine traffic stop that may or may not be related to racism? Or is there more to the story that we haven't heard yet?
There is obviously casino footage, more police dashcam video, possible body cam footage and witness statements to be made public. All of this additional, yet to be released evidence will give us a greater picture of what really unfolded that night.
Unlike the mainstream media, I’m waiting for all the facts to be laid bare before I weigh in with a determination of guilt. There are bad cops and there are even more good ones. We don’t know which ones these Fort Mac officers are yet.
Today I am talking to Robbie Picard from Oilsands Strong about how the controversy and rush to judgement is affecting his community.