Has the Trudeau government over-politicized Pope Francis' apology tour?

What do Indigenous people think about the Pope's visit? If you've been keeping up with the legacy media, this trip has been cast into a shadowy wake of betrayal, hate, and disappointment with no other side of the story to be told.

However, if you're subscribed to independent media and have had the chance to speak to real people on the matter, you know the answer isn't simple enough to be black or white.

Overall, it's the people who will decide the real narrative to this story. Healing can be a long, and tedious process for most, in time we will have a clearer understanding of the full effect of this apology tour ordered by our 'thoughtful' Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.

What I can say on the record, is after speaking to more than a dozen members of the Indigenous community and other supporters over the last four days, and despite emotions running high — a lot of people were very touched to have the Pope there. For better or worse, I believe this event was helpful to a lot of people in order to begin healing from past grievances.

It was more so the over-politicized agenda launched by the Canadian government which soiled the fundamental value of Pope Francis' official apology.

To watch all of our reports from the papal visit to Canada, and to chip in to support this coverage please visit PopeReports.com.


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