Kellie-Jay Keen targets Victorian Liberals with defamation notices
UK women's rights campaigner, Kellie-Jay Keen, has formally alerted Victorian Liberal leader, John Pesutto, and his key team members of potential defamation action.
This arises from allegations she labels as "grossly misconceived, wilfully vexatious, and wretchedly false." The team has been provided 28 days to offer an apology and compensation or risk facing the Federal Court.
Keen's legal action stems from a reaction to Deeming's attendance at a 'Let Women Speak' rally in March, where Nationalist Socialist Network members infamously gave the Nazi salute at the state parliament's steps. The rally had Keen as its key speaker.
WATCH: Keen announces her legal threat exclusively to Rebel News reporter Avi Yemini earlier this year.
Central to the concerns notice is a motion, endorsed by the leadership team, to expel Deeming from the Liberal Party due to her presence at the rally. Attached evidence included a collection of media reports and social media captures, primarily focusing on Keen's supposed "affiliations with extremist groups".
However, Keen's legal team argues that her rally, 'Let Women Speak', was an initiative of her group, Standing for Women UK. This entity promotes biological-sex-based rights and opposes medical transitioning practices on certain minors.
The legal notice criticises the motion's release to media without permitting Keen an opportunity to refute the accusations. Keen’s lawyers highlight the severe damage done to her reputation by falsely linking her to Neo-Nazi ideologies. This has exposed her to significant hate and even physical danger, notably at an event in Auckland.
The lawyers have alerted the Liberal leadership of a 28-day deadline to publicly apologise, compensate Keen, and cover her legal fees. Failure to meet these terms will lead to court proceedings, with Keen seeking both aggravated and exemplary damages.
Keen remains open to mediation in September, urging the Liberal leadership to resolve this matter outside the courtroom.