Ontario Complaint
Here's an example complaint:
I have asthma and use an inhaler, so I can't wear a mask. My doctor wrote a medical exemption note for me. On February 1, 2021, I went shopping to the X Grocery Store without a mask. The store manager saw me and told me that I cannot shop there without a mask. I told him that I have a medical exemption. The manager told me that I need to put on a mask or leave. I kept saying that I have a medical exemption, but the store manager told me that it's against the law for me to be shopping without a mask. He told me that if I won't leave, he will call the police. So I left the store without being able to buy groceries for the week.
Here's how to file the complaint:
You can file your complaint application at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. The Tribunal can be contacted at 416-326-1312 or 1-866-598-0322.
The application form can be downloaded on the HRTO’s website at https://tribunalsontario.ca/hrto/forms-filing/.
After you fill out the application, you can file it electronically on the Tribunal’s website. You can also send your application by mail, email or fax to:
Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
15 Grosvenor Street, Ground Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2G6
[email protected]
Fax to 416-326-2199 or Toll Free: 1-866-355-6099
If you require free legal assistance, you can contact the Human Rights Legal Support Centre. This centre offers legal services to individuals throughout Ontario, who believe they have experienced discrimination. You can call the centre to speak to a Human Rights Advisor at:
Tel: (416) 597-4900
Toll Free: 1-866—625-5179
TTY: (416) 597-4903
TTY Toll Free: 1-866 612-8627
Here's a sample form for your reference: