Paris is now unrecognizable. Will there be riots over tonight's election?

I’m in Paris, France right now, where the country is undergoing a critical run-off election that could lead to a monumental shift in its political identity.

Today is the final round of voting, where the right-wing, anti-immigration Rassemblement National (National Rally) party is expected to capture a majority in the National Assembly. Standing in their way is a coalition of left-wing parties and a hostile media determined to keep the so-called “far-right” out of government.

Paris is on edge. Riots are expected tonight after the results are announced. In preparation, businesses have begun boarding up their doors and windows. Plywood and metal fencing now cover many popular shops in the area.

How will France react to tonight’s results? There’s a lot at stake — we’re seeing reports that the country is expecting a record voter turnout. I’ll be on the ground here in Paris to cover what happens next. (And I promise to keep a safe distance if riots do break out). 

We’re compiling all my reports from France and tonight’s election at, including what I’ve seen so far and my interviews with everyday people on the streets of Paris. I encourage you to check that website frequently for all my updates. You can also make a donation there to help us with the expenses associated with this journalistic mission. Stay tuned for more.

Alexandra Lavoie

Quebec based Journalist

Alexa graduated with a degree in biology from Laval University. Throughout her many travels, she has seen political instability as well as corruption. While she witnessed social disorder on a daily basis, she has always been a defender of society’s most vulnerable. She’s been around the world several times, and now joins Rebel News to shed light on today’s biggest stories.


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