Rebel News LIVE! Calgary 2023: Glenn Beck
Blaze Media founder Glenn Beck spoke with Ezra Levant in a message delivered at this year's Rebel News LIVE! event in Calgary, Alberta.
Mr. Beck delivered a stark message to Canadians, pointing out the Liberal government's seemingly complicit stance on antisemitic, hateful demonstrations.
As stated by Mr. Beck, "When you look at Israel, the Israeli people or the Israelites were told by God to choose life. And there is a culture of death and culture of life right now, and much of your business in your capital is choosing death."
"And its really frightening, truly frightening to see what's happening. Now Palestinians on your streets, Palestinians on our streets that are chanting for death. Ezra, I really truly believe we have a very short window for people to wake up and start choosing life, because it's going to get harder and harder to stand," added Mr. Beck.
Watch a free teaser of the speech below, or the full speech above. To relive our entire Rebel News LIVE! Calgary 2023 event, click here.