Bird's Eye View Of The Convoy; Toronto Scrubs Vaccine Story From Archive

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Rebel News has nearly a dozen reporters in Ottawa this Saturday to cover the Convoy to Ottawa for Freedom, in which thousands of truckers and their trucks are planning to converge on the nation's capital to protest the vaccine mandate for cross-border truckers and the restrictions imposed on Canadians over the last 23 months of two weeks to flatten the curve.

As the convoy left Calgary, Rebel News reporters hitched a ride in a helicopter to catch the view of the enormous convoy from the air. Rebel reporter Adam Soos joins me tonight to tell us about his bird's eye view of what could be the largest protest this country has ever seen.

Then what happens when public health bureaucrats and lockdown politicians lose control of their COVID scare narrative in a very public way? Delete, delete, wash rinse repeat!

That's what happened when the Toronto Board of Health was confronted by a father who says his otherwise healthy son died of a vaccine injury in a public, live-streamed meeting in front of thousands of people, including Rebel's own Tamara Ugolini. The video was pulled down, edited and reposted with the father's remarks sent down the Orwellian memory hole. Tamara joins us tonight to discuss the scrubbing of the public record in Toronto and how she plans to find out exactly what happened to the video the public health overlords don't want us to see.

Then guest host Sheila Gunn Reid responds to your comments from Rumble.

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