Rocket attacks, angry mothers and free burgers for soldiers: Avi Yemini reports from Israel

Avi Yemini joins The Ezra Levant Show to recount what he's seen so far while covering the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

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Rebel News reporter Avi Yemini has been on the ground in Israel, reporting from the war-stricken nation following a horrific terrorist attack carried out by Hamas against the Jewish state last weekend.

After arriving in the southern city of Sderot, where rockets struck moments before, and hearing from a passionate Israeli mother during yesterday's coverage, Avi joined last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show to provide an update on everything he experienced while reporting.

One thing that stood out, he said, was how quickly the country has shifted from a political divide to a state of national unity. Speaking about the spirit of unity that has swept across Israel, Avi told The Ezra Levant Show:

The place is on edge. I've never seen Israel like this, and I was here in the Second Lebanon War. I served, and I remember being here through what was a big war at the time. But it's very different this time.

This time, the sense of unity is amazing. That is similar to what I saw in Lebanon there, one of the stories we captured today was soldiers that pulled us over, telling us we have to give credit to a burger store because they went in and they basically purchased burgers for the entire platoon.

They went to pay — they raised the money to pay for it — but they just wouldn't accept the money and they said, no this is our donation to you guys. Keep it up, use the money for something else.

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