SPONSOR | Trudeau wants US to fund his firearms confiscation plan!

Back in 2020, Canada’s National Firearms Association led the charge against Trudeau’s sweeping gun ban.

The incredible scope of our legal challenge meant that we couldn’t go it alone — we were flanked by our allies, including a team of exceptional lawyers, industry groups, and retailers who stood to lose everything to Trudeau’s ideological attack against lawful firearms owners.

None more so than Cassy Premack, a young, single mother of five whose gun store and livelihood hung in the balance.

Through our efforts and the generous support of NFA members, we armed Cassy with a top-tier legal team, financial backing, and invaluable guidance. Our chances of victory were slim, but we couldn’t afford to do nothing. There was too much at stake.

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DONATE: Support the NFA

We were up against a Liberal-appointed judge, a team of government lawyers, and a state-funded media empire hellbent on undermining our cause. Despite our valiant efforts, we suffered a heartbreaking loss.

In the aftermath, faced with an increasingly hostile government, Cassy was forced out of business.

It was a painful loss, but we picked ourselves up and moved quickly to prepare for Trudeau’s next move. But no one could have predicted what would happen next…

This self-professed, progressive Liberal government wanted their pound of flesh. SO THEY WENT AFTER CASSY!

Alex, we need your help immediately! The Liberals want to make an example of Cassy by demanding she pay their legal bills.

DONATE: Join the Fight!
DONATE: Support the NFA

They already crushed Cassy’s store. Now, they intend to punish her further for her disobedience.

We will support Cassy every step of the way — and the Liberals are banking on it in hopes that we’re weakened by standing up for one of our own.

They want to use our integrity against us to derail our efforts against them

But if you can help, we can turn the tables on Trudeau. With you by our side, the Liberals stand no chance. They won’t risk the public backlash of going after Cassy.

But they know we can’t defend her while simultaneously working to repeal C-21, which pulled the rug out from underneath Canadian hunters, sport shooters, collectors, and business owners like Cassy.

They don’t want us to dismantle their tangled web of legislation and make Trudeau’s “confiscation by attrition” policy impossible to enforce.

That’s why we need your help to continue this important work and stand up for Cassy.

We can’t do both without your support. We need the full backing of Canada’s firearms community to come out on top.

Alex, can we count on you? Please click here to donate and show Trudeau what he’s up against.

Trudeau wants US to fund his firearms confiscation plan!


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