The Liberals are trying to fill in the blanks for their gun 'buyback' program
The Liberals are trying to put some fine details to their latest gun confiscation plan, what does that mean for Canadian gun owners?
Liberals always miss the mark when it comes to lawful gun ownership. The issue is violent crime and smuggling, the solution is crime prevention, better border control and keeping dangerous offenders and gangsters off the streets.
— Blaine Calkins (@BlaineFCalkins) May 3, 2023
The scheme to compensate lawful Canadian gun owners for the banning of their lawfully acquired property through an undemocratic May 2020 order in council is slated to cost more than 30 million dollars.
Trudeau Liberals announce they're buying back 11,000 firearms from retailers across Canada.
— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) April 26, 2023
Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino says the feds are "streamlining" the buyback process, with this affecting guns from the 2020 order-in-council.
An announcement on the costs of the program by Public Safety Minister Marco Mendocino caught the firearms activist community by surprise when it was revealed that an industry lobby group had signed a contract for nearly three-quarters of a million dollars to help identify gun store inventory for confiscation on behalf of the Liberals
Due to the recent round table released by the Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association, we felt it necessary for our membership to address certain comments made.#CanadaGuns #GunsofCanada #CanadianGuns #CanadianFirearms #FirearmsCanada #TrudeauMustGo
— Canada's National Firearms Association (@CanadasNFA) April 29, 2023
Rick Igercich of the National Firearms Association joins me tonight to discuss the latest news on the Liberals' gun grab and his association's plans to fight back.
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