Belgian physicist on the COVID-19 response from scientists and the healthcare community

I recently had the chance to sit down for an interview with Mr. Jean-Jacques Crèvecoeur, a Belgian physicist and recipient of several awards.

Crèvecoeur was one of the few scientists to have debated the H1N1 vaccination in the mainstream media in Quebec. He has worked for decades on immunization and works very closely with the Foundation for the Defense of the Rights and Freedom of the People

Our discussion shows another side of the story, one that has been censored by the mainstream media. I believe in the importance of looking at all sides of a story, so that we can have a healthy debate on a subject.

Now, it's up to you to think critically!

Alexandra Lavoie

Quebec based Journalist

Alexa graduated with a degree in biology from Laval University. Throughout her many travels, she has seen political instability as well as corruption. While she witnessed social disorder on a daily basis, she has always been a defender of society’s most vulnerable. She’s been around the world several times, and now joins Rebel News to shed light on today’s biggest stories.


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