Catholic school board's sneaky attempt to raise Pride flag flops in spectacular fashion

Last Tuesday evening, an “emergency meeting” was convened at the Mississauga, Ont.-based Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board.

Gracious! That sounds serious. What had occurred in the Dufferin County and Peel Region to prompt such an emergency meeting? A mass shooting at a school? A school being destroyed by arson?

No and no.

The meeting was all about ramrodding through a proposal to raise the so-called Pride flag. Yes: at Catholic schools. Some “emergency”.

Needless to say, the ideology of the rainbow flag runs contrary to Catholic faith and doctrine. But even at a Catholic school board it would appear there are those who are pursuing a woke, radicalized LGBT agenda. Indeed, even Catholic school boards are being “colonized” these days.

But common decency and family values prevailed. The proposal to display Pride flags was defeated by a vote of 6-3.

According to Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), the vote was a “remarkable turn of events.”

CLC notes trustees had previously voted 9-2 at the committee level in favour of flying the Pride flag. But that’s when CLC and other pro-family groups became involved, encouraging parents to lobby their trustees to vote against this motion.

Indeed, an overflow crowd of vocal parents and ratepayers packed the DPCDSB headquarters on Tuesday making it standing room only.

Campaign Life Coalition further notes that through the leadership of trustees Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi and Herman Viloria, along with five pro-family delegations, “the hearts and minds of other trustees were changed,” with a majority of them voting against flying the Pride flag.

Indeed, a prevailing argument that evening was that all Catholic schools in the district display both a cross and the Canadian flag. Translation: these emblems stand for inclusivity for everyone attending Catholic schools.

Rebel News was on-hand to cover the event and to carry out exit-interviews with attendees as well as trustee Paula Dametto-Giovannozz.

Needless to say, spirits were running high in light of the vote. Even so, is this a matter of winning a battle but not quite winning the war?

After all, the rainbow mafia is now embracing a strategy of making complaints to the Ontario Human Rights Commission to actually force institutions to fly the Pride flag. Could this be the next battle ground — circumventing school board trustees and the vast majority of ratepayers who do not want pride propaganda proliferating on school properties?

Stay tuned.

David Menzies

Mission Specialist

David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.


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