CP Rail workers fighting union, federal gov't over vaccine mandate
Canadian Pacific Rail is the latest in the long list of federally regulated rail companies giving in to pressure from the Prime Minister’s Office on vaccine requirements, and now employees who are opposed to vaccine mandates are left uncertain as to whether they will have a future with the company.
Lawyer Leighton Grey has been hard at work on behalf of the CP Rail staff who are taking a stand, as both vaccinated and unvaccinated employees from all levels of CP Rail join together against medical segregation.
Mr. Grey’s approach is multi-faceted; he is working both to empower employees to engage in self-advocacy in addition to urging the employee’s union to advocate for its people. Leighton joined us to fill us in on his legal progress.
We must never forget that real people are losing or are at risk of losing their livelihoods, often despite sterling work records, because of what should be private medical information.
Kyle Smith, who works for CP Rail, joined me to share a first-person perspective on the challenges employees are facing and the fear and uncertainty permeating his workplace.
If you stand with employees who have or may lose their jobs because of their vaccine status, you can contribute to our legal efforts against vaccine passports at FightVaccinePassports.com. Your donation will go to The Democracy Fund, a registered Canadian charity, so not only will you be helping us hire lawyers to fight for medical freedoms in court, but you will also receive a tax receipt.