EMERGENCY: We're hiring lawyers to help FightVaccinePassports.com

The current state of Canada can be described as a civil liberties emergency. Forced COVID vaccinations through mandates and passports are coming into place across the country. But Rebel News is fighting back, with a plan to launch 20 strategic lawsuits through FightVaccinePassports.com.

There's just one problem: we need more lawyers to help us.

Are you or someone you know or love a lawyer who values freedom? We're not looking for volunteers, we will pay your fees through crowdfunding because we need lawyers who are going to work full tilt on this important civil liberties issue.

We want lawyers who will make it their most important project.

Not only are we looking to hire lawyers who have their own private practice, but we're also aiming to hire 10 lawyers to work for us full time.

Two weeks to flatten the curve, they said; instead, it's been almost two years and we're just now seeing the shape of larger plans. We need to resist now, before this becomes the new normal.

So if you're a lawyer who wants to help us, let us know. And if you're not a lawyer and you still want to help us anyways, go to FightVaccinePassports.com.

You can see the full job posting, here

Rebel News


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