Foothills Freedom Rally: The fight for freedom alive and well in small-town Alberta

On a near weekly basis Rebel News is often the only media outlet covering protests against vaccine mandates in cities across Canada. But it isn’t just big cities standing up for medical privacy and bodily autonomy, small towns across this nation are also fighting back.

We wanted to make sure their stories are being told as well, so we headed out to Okotoks, Alberta where a few hundred people gathered for the Foothills Freedom Rally.

The medical segregation that results from invasive vaccine verification policies is costing lives and livelihoods. These hardships transcend regional borders and can be particularly harmful to smaller communities.

Rural Albertans are resilient, and a big part of that resilience stems from their capacity to band together when things get tough. Faced with medical coercion and threatened with job loss, these folks were never going to cave to the pressure. Instead, they showed up for each other and took to the streets.

Among the speakers appearing at the event were some familiar faces, including John Carpay, president of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, and Tim Moen, one of the firefighters challenging the Government of Alberta’s unethical vaccine mandates at no personal cost to them, thanks to our initiative.

Dr. Daniel Nagase was also on hand to discuss the unprecedented ideological opposition by government health officials to low-risk medicines that might help in the treatment of COVID-19.

Alberta officials have made no indications that vaccine passports are going away, but Albertans in small and big cities alike will not give up on each other.

Calgary, Edmonton, Okotoks and many other communities across our province are just getting started, and you can rest assured that they will continue to fight for their freedom.

If you want to put an end to vaccine mandates and show your support for the folks attending these important protests, you can donate to our legal efforts and sign our petition at

Adam Soos

Calgary-based Journalist


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