Jew-hatred casts shadow over Australia Day nationwide

Anti-Israel protests and neo-Nazi disruptions mar Australia Day celebrations and protests across the country.

Australia Day celebrations were overshadowed by the rise of Jew-hatred, with far-left anti-Israel demonstrators hijacking so-called "Invasion Day" rallies and neo-Nazi groups spreading similar antisemitic messages in Melbourne and Adelaide.

In Melbourne, the anti-Australia Day rally took a divisive turn as pro-Palestinian activists infiltrated the event, chanting From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free and displaying slogans equating Australia's history with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Signs readingAustralia: Stolen Land. Palestine: Stolen Land were prominent, as was traditional Palestinian attire like keffiyehs.

Tasniim Nahmoud Sammak of the Free Palestine Coalition told the crowd, This movement behind me is only going to continue to grow as we are seeing here and across the world. She went on to compare the Aboriginal treaty movement in Australia to the Middle East conflict, claiming, We will unite the fight and take on the fascists.”

Meanwhile, in Adelaide, 16 members of the National Socialist Network (NSN) were arrested after hijacking peaceful Australia Day celebrations. The group, aged 16 to 58, travelled interstate to stage their protest and were charged with offences including the illegal display of Nazi symbols under new South Australian laws.

A police spokeswoman confirmed the arrests, saying the extremists were not involved in organised events or protests but praised the broader public for attending celebrations peacefully.

The recent escalation of antisemitic sentiments on both ends of the political spectrum has raised concerns about the growing normalisation of Jew-hatred in public discourse, even as a ceasefire in the Middle East.

PETITION: Protect The Jews in Australia

13,901 signatures
Goal: 20,000 signatures

Sign this petition to call on authorities to take immediate and decisive action to protect Jewish places of worship, bring those responsible for these attacks to justice, and send a clear message that antisemitism will not be tolerated in any form.

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  • Bruce Atchison
    commented 2025-01-27 18:26:03 -0500
    Both Palestinians and Neo Nazis are Marxist. They both believe in big governments controlling every aspect of life. And they’re both racists. Jews bless nations but Palestinians just make trouble. No wonder no Arab country wants Palestinians.