Liberals quietly expand the Vaccine Injury Support Program under Budget 2024
Housed within the recently revealed Budget 2024 is an expansion of funding to the pandemic-born Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP).
The VISP program – delivered by the Public Health Agency of Canada – was first announced alongside the emergency use authorization of the rushed-to-market COVID-19 shots.
The agency hired private consultancy firm Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton (RCGT) to administer the program, which receives approximately 60% of the budget allocation, in the tens of millions of taxpayers' dollars, leaving the actual victims of the safe and effective regime high and dry.
The originally proposed total budget allocation was just over $32 million, wherein government documents stipulated that RCGT was to get $20.3 million, and the victims the leftover $12 million.
The program was originally scheduled to run until 2026, yet VISP has already paid out a fraction of the injuries submitted to the tune of $11 million. The anticipated budget has been nearly maxed out just over halfway through the program.
Now let’s contrast what the original budget allowance stipulated versus how much Budget 2024 has expanded the program.
In the original budget allocation, the fiscal year 2024-2025 was supposed to receive just over $5.5 million and 2025-2026 just under $5 million.
But in Budget 2024, the VISP program is expanded nearly three-fold! It’s set to receive nearly $19 million in the 2024/2025 fiscal year and $17 million in 2025/2026. This totals $36 million for two years.
That flies in the face of the initial budget proposal of $32 million spread over five years. With the recent budget allocation surpassing this amount in just the final two years of the program, the federal government is significantly over budget.
And that’s if Canadians can even get their injuries documented.
Many have been refused, those suffering debilitating neurological injuries can’t siphon through the mountains of paperwork and bloated bureaucracy to have their injury approved, the program itself is already overwhelmed with applicants waiting a year to be assigned a case manager, and doctors can’t get vaccine injuries approved by the medical officer of health to continue through the Canadian multi-layering vaccine injury approval process.
This is proven by VISP's own statistics.
They’ve received 2,233 claims. Of those, a minuscule 138 have been “approved” by the handpicked VISP medical review board.
How’s that for safe, and effective?