Vaccine injured woman navigates a bloated health bureaucracy to have her adverse event documented

Meredith Klitzke recently testified at the National Citizens Hearing in Toronto, Ontario.

She detailed her experience navigating a COVID-19 vaccine injury – an injection which she says she was hesitant about but ultimately succumbed to peer pressure and media propaganda to receive.

“It pushed me to the point where it made me question my own judgment,” Klitzke said. “I was pushed to make a decision that I whole-heartedly regret.”

Klitzke said she received her first Pfizer injection on June 18 and second dose on August 13 2021.

“Within two weeks, everything went haywire – swelling, joint pain, muscle spasms, tremors, tinnitus, pressure in my head, burning in my chest, menstrual issues, burning mouth syndrome – it’s been horrific,” she said.

Detailing the “borage of symptoms,” Klitzske added that she waited approximately a month before calling her family doctor. Her main concern at the time was facial swelling for which she saw a few specialists, including a dermatologist who she had seen for years prior that discharged Klitzke from his practice after she brought forward her concerns.

Klitzke said the dermatologist simply didn’t want to deal with her anymore.

Her dentist prescribed a mouth wash for the intense burning mouth that she was experiencing and, to this day, has been unable to get a call back after it was ineffective in addressing the issue.

Klitzke has been gaslighted by the medical establishment with her symptoms being brushed off as anxiety. “The neurologists have been horrendous,” she added.

Describing her family doctor as “decent” to deal with, Klitzke said that she has completed the adverse events following immunization forms and the vaccine injury support paperwork on her behalf.

Due to the multi-level filtering system involved in adverse events reporting, Klitzke is not certain if her adverse event has been formally filed in the Canadian Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System (CAEFISS).

Local medical officers of health are gatekeepers of these systems.

Klitzke described:

I didn’t realize that your local medical officer of health assesses those forms and determines whether it advances to PHO and then it has to be forwarded to Health Canada and you have no idea [of the outcome]. So this physician who doesn’t examine you, doesn’t speak to you, is the one who decides your fate. It’s really absurd.

After requesting written confirmation that her adverse event was being processed, Klitzke has not received any further communication from the medical establishment other than a notification to come for her COVID-19 booster.

“The whole process is so misaligned and ineffective,” she added, which is compounded further as individuals navigate debilitating health concerns. “It takes weeks to fill everything out.”

Klitzke wants others who think they have suffered vaccine injury to come forward and get help. She wishes that the medical establishment would address those injuries, she said, referring to a MedScape thread that details shocking accounts of undocumented vaccine injuries by medical professionals.

Tamara Ugolini

Senior Editor

Tamara Ugolini is an informed choice advocate turned journalist whose journey into motherhood sparked her passion for parental rights and the importance of true informed consent. She critically examines the shortcomings of "Big Policy" and its impact on individuals, while challenging mainstream narratives to empower others in their decision-making.


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