New Brunswick defends parental rights on 'preferred pronouns' for students under 16

The New Brunswick Tories have passed meaningful education reform on the gender identity of students after parental backlash sparked considerable debate.

On Thursday, the province passed Policy 713. It establishes that transgender or 'non-binary' students under 16 cannot change their names or pronouns in school without parental consent. Their legal name would be present on report cards and official documentation.

Education Minister Bill Hogan unveiled the highly-anticipated reform his government introduced in 2020. It balanced protecting parental rights while maintaining a 'safe' learning environment for sexual minorities.

Policy 713 comes into effect on July 1.

Opponents of the amended policy worry it would lead to harsh repercussions at home for some students should their parents learn they changed their gender identity. 

However, New Brunswick Premier Bill Higgs said on May 18 that the current policy results in "keeping secrets" from parents. 

"For it purposefully to be hidden from the parents, that's a problem," he said. "To suggest that it's OK that parents don't need to know — just stop and think about that question for a moment."

Hogan concurred that parents have a right to know something significant as their little girl suddenly identifying as a boy or something else altogether. 

The education ministry began its review of Policy 713 on April 21 "after hearing concerns and misunderstandings of its implementation" and fielding hundreds of complaints "at least" from parents worried about school board policies. 

"We want to have a conversation with New Brunswickers so we can hear their views, address misconceptions and concerns, and provide the very best educational environment for all our students," said Hogan. 

The province did not consult the New Brunswick Teachers' Association on the new policy.

However, the new policy permits students over 16 to use preferred first names and pronouns without involving their parents. It also ensures that private, universal changing rooms and bathrooms will be available in all schools.

Former Education Minister Dominic Cardy called out Higgs for supposedly gutting sex education by supporting the reform.

Hogan expressed concerns about "the age appropriateness of what is taught in the classroom when it comes to sexual education." Higgs also pushed back.

"We're teaching kids to develop and grow, and they need to be making decisions as they get older and they get wiser. Are we trying to teach tolerance and acceptance, or are we trying to teach promotion?" Higgs told reporters.

He added that drag queen story hours are also not appropriate for children.

"Are we asking whether elementary and kindergarten kids should be exposed to drag queen reading time? That's what you're asking because I don't think they should be at that age." 

A poll said 57% of Canadians believe schools should inform parents if their child discusses changing their gender pronouns or transitioning. Only 18% disagreed with this statement, while 25% didn't know.

Nationwide, most schools are not legally required to inform parents about gender transitions.


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