The future of Alberta's relationship with Canada | Tom Flanagan joins Ezra Levant

Alberta's relationship with the rest of Canada has been strained during the reign of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Trudeau's political ideology is largely the opposite of what drives the province, and it should come as no surprise that many Albertans are left wondering what the next step is, as Wild Rose Country ponders its path forward.

Joining yesterday's episode of The Ezra Levant Show to discuss the future of Alberta's relationship with the rest of Canada was former advisor to Stephen Harper, conservative political activist and author Tom Flanagan.

With many of the reforms introduced by Alberta being blocked by the Liberal establishment in Ottawa, Tom, the editor of a new book, Moment of Truth: How to Think About Alberta's Future, wonders if the best route is to try some tactics that haven't yet been tried.

One of those tactics Tom referred to was the upcoming referendum on equalization:

It's been talked about for 20 years or more, ever since the publication of the so-called Firewall Letter, but hasn't actually been tried. Well, it will be tried this fall. There's a Supreme Court decision that says if a province requests a constitutional discussion on something, other provinces and Ottawa are bound to at least come to the table and discuss it.

So, that's the point of the referendum on equalization, [it] is to provoke a constitutional discussion showing how unfair this program is to Alberta and demanding some change into it.

Now, will it succeed? I don't know — but at least it's a step forward that hasn't been tried yet.

Tom Flanagan's new book, Moment of Truth, is available on Amazon and features a collection of essays from some of Canada's top thinkers and debates the various paths forward for Alberta.

Full episodes of The Ezra Levant Show air Monday–Friday and are available to subscribers of RebelNews+.

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