B.C. health whistleblower says 50% of COVID hospitalizations asymptomatic, unrelated
“Cases, cases, cases.” It’s the magical word that public health overlords, bureaucrats and state media have used to normalize unjustified restrictions — anything from banishing the elderly to isolation, to detaining healthy citizens against their will in COVID jails.
But what if it’s all a sham — or, at least half of it, anyways?
Shortly after many COVID measures were temporarily lifted in the summer, B.C.’s Interior Health region was one of the first in the province to start announcing a jump in cases. That, of course, was ultimately used to tighten the totalitarian restrictions and deliver coerced inoculations.
Yet, in this full report, you will hear from a whistleblower from inside Interior Health who says the government isn’t being transparent about what a “COVID-19 hospitalization” really means.
“The numbers are being changed to support their agenda,” says the whistleblower.
Rebel News has confirmed the identity and position of the interviewee, but has agreed to keep the individuals identity anonymous.
After having enough of the lies, the brave Interior Health employee decided to compile data at random on reasons for hospitalizations, and says that around 50 per cent of the “COVID-19 hospitalizations” that get reported to the public from that health region are people who are asymptomatic and came to the hospital to be treated for something other than COVID.
If you also have important information like this insider, that the public deserves to know the truth about, please reach out to us at [email protected].
And if you are reading this and are also tired of “COVID cases” being used as an excuse to destroy freedom and and increase discrimination in our country, join our legal fight, in partnership with The Democracy Fund, against vaccine passports and coercive vaccine mandates at FightVaccinePassports.com.
Drea Humphrey
B.C. Bureau Chief
Based in British Columbia, Drea Humphrey reports on Western Canada for Rebel News. Drea’s reporting is not afraid to challenge political correctness, or ask the tough questions that mainstream media tends to avoid.