EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Officer arrests mom with medical mask exemption on Vancouver SkyTrain

On December 5, a British Columbian mother named Valerie Ann Foley was trying to take a TransLink SkyTrain to get home. She ended up being arrested, charged with assaulting a police officer, fined $460 and in need of medical attention for physical injuries she alleges were acquired during her arrest.

How did this happen, you might ask? If you can believe it, the entire nightmare began after Transit Police Officer Constable Peter Kwok ordered Ms. Foley to leave the train due to not wearing a mask, even though she clearly explained to him that she was medically exempt from wearing one. Kwok claimed that medical exemptions were no longer valid due to the provincial health order, yet both TransLink and the official Use of Face Coverings in Indoor Public Spaces (COVID-19) Order specify that there are in fact people who are medically exempt from wearing a mask.

The “new normal” that the government has mandated for British Columbians seems to be opening up the floodgates for people feeling entitled to discriminate against people who are medically exempt from wearing face coverings.

In a previous Rebel News report, we showed you how a human rights complaint was filed after The Hide Out Cafe in New Westminster refused service without accommodation to two people who claimed to have mask exemptions..

The issue is becoming so prevalent that Global News even reported that two different Chapter’s Indigo stores in the lower mainland refused indoor service to medically exempt individuals. One was a 12 year old autistic boy, and the other, a retired Canadian Paralympic swimmer named Elisabeth Walker-Young, who has no hands with which to put a mask on.

Rebel News is happy to offer Valerie Ann Foley a platform to tell her side of the story, and we have also taken on Foley as one of our newest Fight the Fines cases. We are not only helping her with free legal counsel to fight the fines she received, we’ve also assigned a sharp criminal defence lawyer to look into her charges as well.

If you want to help us fight the good fight by providing free legal counsel to Valerie Ann and more, please head to FightTheFines.com. That's where you can donate to help Valerie Ann and the hundreds of cases we've already taken on to help Canadians just like her. We appreciate your support.

Drea Humphrey

B.C. Bureau Chief

Based in British Columbia, Drea Humphrey reports on Western Canada for Rebel News. Drea’s reporting is not afraid to challenge political correctness, or ask the tough questions that mainstream media tends to avoid.


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