German health insurance company sounds the alarm on vaccination injury underreporting

One of Germany’s largest and oldest health insurers, BKK Provita, is sounding the alarm on underreporting of vaccine injury.

They issued a Press Release on February 21st, 2022 signaling a strong warning with their findings around the billing data they received from German doctors. The letter was directed to Professor Dr. Cichutek at the Paul Ehrlick Institute
(PEI). They appear to question PEI’s own reporting that in 2021 there were only 244, 567 cases of vaccine side effects reported.

Using their own data based on the billing codes of Doctors, BKK has reason to believe that this signals significant underreporting and they enclosed an evaluation of their data. BKK included the billing data of just over 10.9 million policyholders for just over half of the year 2021.

The ICD Codes that BKK references are International Classification of Disease. BKK saw that already there had been 216, 695 cases of vaccination side effects treated. They further extrapolate this figure to include the entire year of 2021 and apply it to the total German population, claiming that there are probably 2.5 –3 million people in Germany seeking medical care due to vaccine side effects.

They note that this is a significant alarm signal and reinforce that this means approximately 4-5% of vaccinated people were under medical treatment because of side effects to vaccination.

BKK speculates that the cause of underreporting could be that there is no monetary incentive for physicians to report to PEI. Doctors claim it takes about 30 minutes to file reports and with 3 million suspected cases of side effects, that would take 1.5 million hours of work to complete which would be the equivalent to the annual work performance of 1,000 Doctors.

They ask for a response from PEI by February 22, 2022 at 6 PM.

PEI did not yet respond but a German Doctor’s Association, called Virchowbund responded with their own Press Release dated February 24, 2022. It’s been picked up and shared widely by German mainstream media.

Authored by Dr. Dirk Heinrich, the Chairman of Virchowbund, he dismisses the claims made by BKK as meaningless because the codes do not differentiate between mild or severe side effects. He then attacks the company for advertising homeopathy and osteopathy in some sort of strange smear attempt.

BKK then issued another Press Release on February 25, 2022. They reiterate that the basis for the evaluation is the billing data of the doctors. They repeat everything from their initial letter to PEI and also include some graphs.

The graphs include data from 2019 through to 2021. They can be found on page 2 and 3 of the document.

Graph #1 shows the patients with T88.1 code, these are “other complications following immunization that were not classified elsewhere.”

Graph #2 shows patients with the U12.9 code which is a new code since 2021 filed under special purposes that is used to classify covid19 vaccines causing adverse effects in therapeutic use with unspecified reactions.

Graph #3 shows the code U59.9, another unspecific reaction caused by a vaccine or biological substance.

Graph #4 shows the code T88.0 which is an infection following vaccination, specifically sepsis.

BKK claims that they viewed themselves as obligated to report this data to PEI as they are the supreme authority for vaccine safety and they reference Page 39 of PEI’s own Safety Report which notes that this health authority has undertaken a volunteer-driven, observational survey on the tolerability of the COVID19 vaccines over a 12 month period. They feel compelled to share their observation.

The BKK Executive Board agreed to do an in-depth discussion with the PEI for the coming week, that’s the first week of March, and encourage all health insurance companies to evaluate their own databases.

Apparently, the CEO of BKK was terminated from his position and the meeting went ahead without him.

Tamara Ugolini

Senior Editor

Tamara Ugolini is an informed choice advocate turned journalist whose journey into motherhood sparked her passion for parental rights and the importance of true informed consent. She critically examines the shortcomings of "Big Policy" and its impact on individuals, while challenging mainstream narratives to empower others in their decision-making.


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