Jonathan Yaniv calls NYPD about Rebel reporter Anna Slatz


Jonathan Yaniv called the NYPD about Rebel News reporter Anna Slatz 

Slatz was arrested and detained Tuesday night by New York City police while covering Anifa riots in the Big Apple.  

As a journalist, Slatz has an exemption to the 11pm to 5am curfew put in place by Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo to quell the violence, looting and rioting piggybacking on Black Lives Matters protests. The large-scale protests and riots are in response to the death of a black man, George Floyd, in Minneapolis police custody May 25. At the time of this article, Slatz is still in Brooklyn central booking. 

It seems chronic human rights tribunal abuser, and two time journalist assaulter Jonathan “Jessica” Yaniv saw Slatz’s wrongful arrest as an opportunity to extract his pound of flesh from her, for her work exposing him over the past year.  

The folks at Meow Mix have been monitoring Yaniv on his social media accounts and caught Yaniv snapchatting a video himself making yet another nuisance police complaint, this one about Anna to the NYPD:   

“Anna Slatz wrote several important and revealing articles about Yaniv’s attempts to groom underage girls. Slatz, a victim of abuse in her own life (as per her Twitter), took a stand against Yaniv’s predatory behaviour. Regardless of who broke which story first, it is unquestionable that Anna Slatz helped bring Yaniv’s story out of shadows and into the mainstream. For that, Yaniv holds a deep grudge. 

It’s also important to note that Yaniv has other problems with Rebel Media. There is an ongoing lawsuit between Keean Bexte and David Menzies of Rebel against Yaniv for Yaniv’s assaults on them, both of which were recorded and broadcast on the internet for all. 

It’s also widely speculated, although not confirmed, that Yaniv is being investigated by local police for assaulting Bexte outside a courthouse. No charges have been filed at this time. 

With all that in mind, a normal person would think it’s best to keep your nose out of Rebel Media’s business, but not Yaniv. Check it out…This video went out to everyone on Snapchat last night – June 2, 2020.  

If being a “bitch” was actually a crime, maybe Yaniv might finally end up in jail. Sadly, for all of us, it is not.  

To see Slatz’s work covering the riots in Washington DC and New York City, please go to and to help cover the cost of the five lawyers Rebel News has hired to get her out of a Brooklyn jail, the fundraising page is set up at Any additional, unused funds will go directly to Anna.  

To read the gruesome details of what Yaniv has been up to lately, head on over to Meow Mix and buckle up. You’re in for quite a ride.

Sheila Gunn Reid

Chief Reporter

Sheila Gunn Reid is the Alberta Bureau Chief for Rebel News and host of the weekly The Gunn Show with Sheila Gunn Reid. She's a mother of three, conservative activist, and the author of best-selling books including Stop Notley.


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