Norm Traversy wants to prosecute Trudeau over SNC-Lavalin using rare legal procedure

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Retired firefighter Norm Traversy is attempting to file a private prosecution against Justin Trudeau over the SNC-Lavalin affair.

Filing a private prosecution is a rare procedure when someone other than a Crown prosecutor uses the Criminal Code to sue someone in court for a crime.

In this interview, Norm recalls Gary McHale's attempt to a similar prosecution against Trudeau. 

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  • By Ezra Levant

We Are Suing Justin Trudeau

Trudeau’s hand-picked censors declare that only 1% of what Rebel News publishes is news and won’t give us a government news licence. The Federal Court of Canada has upheld this atrocious ruling - so we’re appealing this decision to the Federal Court of Appeal, but we need your help.

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