Vancouver's Convoy Protest; La Crete Is COVID-free

Welcome to Rebel Roundup, ladies and gentlemen – and the rest of you – in which we look back at some of the very best commentaries of the week by your favourite Rebels. I’m your host, David Menzies.

Well, there were duelling demonstrations in Vancouver last Saturday. In one corner there were the members of the Freedom Convoy and their supporters; in the other corner were the Antifa-types who actually support lockdowns. Try to guess which group was civil and which group was profane. Drea Humphrey has the scoop.

The pandemic is over in little La Crete situated in northwest Alberta. And a major reason why it’s over is that the people of La Crete ignored the advice of health bureaucrats. Say what? Sheila Gunn Reid will have all the nitty-gritty details.

And letters, we get your letters, we get ’em every minute of every day. And you had plenty to say about the fact that 90 per cent of downtown Ottawa restaurants were closed last weekend out of fear that the freedom convoy demonstrators made for… a health and safety concern?! Well, guess what? Those restaurants that did remain open racked up record sales without suffering any incidents whatsoever. So much for the fake news narrative the demonstrators are to blame for certain downtown Ottawa businesses taking a financial hit.

Those are your Rebels, now let’s round ‘em up...


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