Angry anti-freedom protesters try to stop Vancouver’s Freedom Convoy
On February 5th, Patriotic Canadians gathered across the country to attend convoys for freedom. Not everyone was pleased with the movement's focus on ending segregation and authoritative COVID-19 policies in Canada. This includes a small, but loud, amount of counter-protesters who had made it their mission to come out and oppose Vancouver’s freedom convoy protesters.
According to a reddit thread that advertised the counter-protest, their primary goal was to “show the convoy that there are lots of people in the city who will loudly oppose them and their message” and to prevent the covoyers from ”turning left onto Broadway” to “limit their impact” on Vancouver General Hospital, and St. Pauls Hospital, despite the convoy having no intention of blocking traffic on their path from Langley, B.C. to their final destination, where they planned to loop around Vancouver CTV’s office on Robson street because they believe such media is partially to blame for the politicization of the COVID-19 virus.
Ironically, it was the small and mostly angry group of counter-protesters who blocked the convoyers at a Kingsway, and W Broadway intersection, preventing the freedom protesters and other drivers on the road.
One counter-protester, in particular, chose to block the busy street with her own body, and two children who appeared to be with her, and then turned violent by kicking one of the vehicles, and assaulting a driver trying to get through while calling him a white supremacist.
Eventually, the freedom conveyors turned around and found a different path to get to their destination which you will see in an upcoming report at Rebel News. For now, click here to see the madness that unfolded from the anti-freedom, counter-protesters.
If you appreciate that Rebel News reporters have been bringing you the other side of the story to the politically driven narrative of the Freedom Convoy’s across Canada, please continue to follow our regular updates and donate to help us continue to cover them at
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