Rebel Roundup: New Rebel Drea Humphrey, Racism Sensitivity Training

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Another month, another scandal involving the Justin Trudeau Liberals. This time, it is the grotesque conflict of interest inherent to the WE Charity. As more dirt on ME to WE emerges on a daily basis, is Justin going to get yet another free pass? Sheila Gunn Reid will weigh in on this latest whopper.

And meet our newest Rebel, Drea Humphrey. On the streets of Vancouver, she recently had a fascinating interview with an American who is the Democratic Party’s worst nightmare: he’s black, yet he questions the narrative of the mainstream media and – horror of horrors! – supports President Donald Trump! I think Joe Biden is in the fetal position right now…

And finally: I’ll share some of your responses regarding our video about Nora Loreto – yes, THAT Nora Loreto, the odious individual who said that the outpouring of grief by Canadians over the Humboldt Broncos tragedy was fueled by the fact that the majority of the victims were young, male and white. Well, guess what folks? She’s been hired by the Public Service Alliance of Canada to give seminars to the white members of the rank and file regarding… racism? Oh, yeah – your tax dollars hard at work yet again. 

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