Rebel Roundup: Sheila Gunn Reid and Keean Bexte
Keean Bexte went to Ottawa in person the other day.
He wanted to ask the PM some questions; instead he was physically removed from the premises.
Keean has plenty to say about Justin Trudeau’s latest clampdown on reporters who have the temerity to ask tough questions.
What’s a gender-based analysis when it comes to infrastructure projects? I haven’t the foggiest!
So thank goodness Sheila Gunn Reid will drop by to enlighten us all.
And finally:
I’ll share some of your responses regarding Toronto’s day of infamy. You see, a bunch of cooped-up condo dwellers decided to go to Trinity Bellwoods Park for some fun and the sun.
But alas, they broke Wuhan virus etiquette – which prompted outrage from elected officials… who, by the way, make it a habit to break Wuhan virus etiquette rules themselves…