The Gunn Show: INSIDE Trudeau's Winnipeg “sob fest” & more campaign insanity (GUEST: Marty Gold)

Justin Trudeau's never-ending apology tour rolls on as more images of him performing in blackface are released to the media, requiring more contrition, more explanations, and more excuses.

The latest justification for dressing up to mock black people so many times he can’t keep track is that, according to Trudeau, he had too many layers of privilege to understand the racist history of blackface.

To paraphrase:

Trudeau was just too rich to know better and just too dumb to care.

The PM’s latest groveling and apologia session took place in Winnipeg and drew international attention. My guest tonight had a front-row seat to the Manitoba “sob-fest”, a rare feat as a non-lefty journalist, given the Liberals’ ongoing prohibition of TNC’s Andrew Lawton from their media bus:

Joining me tonight to discuss what it was like to have courtside seats for one of the worst days of Trudeau's life, the atrocious CBC coverage during the Manitoba election and the scourge of anti-Semitism festering in Canada's progressive parties is Marty Gold of

Sheila Gunn Reid

Chief Reporter

Sheila Gunn Reid is the Alberta Bureau Chief for Rebel News and host of the weekly The Gunn Show with Sheila Gunn Reid. She's a mother of three, conservative activist, and the author of best-selling books including Stop Notley.


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