Under Trudeau's new “fake news” law, calling him a substitute drama teacher would be illegal

I want to tell you about a lawsuit filed by the Canadian Constitution Foundation just last month. It’s very relevant to the election we’re in right now — and all future elections.

It was a law passed by Trudeau; it was one of a ton of changes to Canada’s Elections Act. I really don’t think it got a lot of coverage.

But I’m pleased to say the Canadian Constitution Foundation has gone to court to fight the law. 

Before I show you their court application, let me tell you about Justin Trudeau's new law:

Publishing false statement to affect election results
91 (1) No person or entity shall, with the intention of affecting the results of an election, make or publish, during the election period,
(a) a false statement that a candidate, a prospective candidate, the leader of a political party or a public figure associated with a political party has committed an offence under an Act of Parliament or a regulation made under such an Act — or under an Act of the legislature of a province or a regulation made under such an Act — or has been charged with or is under investigation for such an offence; or
(b) a false statement about the citizenship, place of birth, education, professional qualifications or membership in a group or association of a candidate, a prospective candidate, the leader of a political party or a public figure associated with a political party.

And, by the way, the penalty for breaching this section is up to $50,000 in fines, and incredibly, up to five years in prison. I’ve seen rapists, actually rapists, be sentenced to six months in prison. But if you break this election rule, you could get five years. Let me read it line by line now:

91 (1) No person or entity shall, with the intention of affecting the results of an election, make or publish, during the election period

Here's more:

(a) a false statement that a candidate, a prospective candidate, the leader of a political party or a public figure associated with a political party has committed an offence…

So this protects just the political class: Candidates and even prospective candidates of the future. A public figure “associated” with a political party? Like Kim Campbell, the nutty former PM who just does nothing but publish insane tweets about Donald Trump — oh, and she also is in charge of vetting Supreme Court judges for Trudeau. But is she “associated” with a party? How about another full time internet troll, Liberal Sheila Copps?

Currently, if someone slanders you now, and says you’ve broken the law, you can sue them now. It’s called defamation. But that’s something you have to hire your own lawyer for, and go to court and convince the judge, a real judge in a real court. And there are defences — fair comment, truth, things like that. And at the end of the day, if you were wrong, the person you defamed get damages.

But if you didn’t really say anything that hurtful, and not many people saw it, the damages might be nominal — they could even be as low as a dollar. Not $50,000. And not prison time.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again:

I believe Justin Trudeau has committed criminal obstruction of justice in regards to the SNC Lavalin case, and probably in the case of Vice Admiral Mark Norman, too.

If Trudeau wants to sue me over that, he can. But I’ll get to cross-examine him, and get access to his records touching on the matters.

Not under this law — his buddies at Elections Canada can go after me, on the public dime, and I don’t get to cross-examine Trudeau or see his records.

There are even crazier parts of this new law, as I'll show you TONIGHT.

I say again: freedom of speech is the number one issue of our time — because without it, we can’t criticize any other issues in our society. And the political class — including Andrew Scheer — well, they don’t mind. Because they’ll have their freedoms as MPs, won’t they? They’ll have special protections, won’t they?

And who knows — maybe in three days’ time, they’ll be the ones sending out the enforcers under this law.

That doesn’t make me feel any better about it than if Trudeau had the whip in his hand....

NEXT: Recently, Rebel News won a big victory against Justin Trudeau's Debates Commission, which wanted to ban our reporters from the Leaders' Debates. Meet David Elmaleh and Aaron Rosenberg, the legal team who won our last-minute injunction.

PS: That legal fight isn't over yet, because Trudeau's government is appealing the judge's decision. PLEASE VISIT LetUsReport.com and help crowdfund our legal fees.

FINALLY: Your messages to me!

Ezra Levant

Rebel Commander

Ezra Levant is the founder and owner of Rebel News and the host of The Ezra Levant ShowHe is the author of multiple best-selling books, including Ethical Oil, The Libranos, China Virus, and most recently, Trudeau's Secret Plan.


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