This “right wing” violence poll was conducted by Liberals, for Liberals

On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, we looked at a taxpayer-funded lobby group called the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, that commissioned a poll from a polling company owned by a Liberal party activist.

The poll only asks about “right wing” violence. What about an entire year of left-wing violence from Antifa and Black Lives Matter, just burning and shooting?

How is it a legitimate survey to specifically ask about only right wing violence — when we’ve had a year of riots across America from the left? And they've started up again, by the way, in Portland for example. Well, this is a Liberal polling company commissioned by a Liberal-funded NGO for a Liberal cabinet minister.

Garbage in, garbage out.

You learn nothing from people asking if they’re against hate. Of course they are. You learn nothing from them asking people if they’re against violence. Of course they are. And once you’ve whipped them up with your narrative that we’re in a crisis, if you ask them if they want the government to do something about it, well of course they do.

Or at least of course they say they do.

This is just an excerpt from the full Ezra Levant Show.

To watch the whole thing, become a premium subscriber to RebelNews+.

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