Trudeau cancels fancy fundraiser appearance due to protesters wanting freedom back

What was supposed to be an expensive in-person evening with the prime minister this past Tuesday quickly turned into guests paying $1,000 each to watch Justin Trudeau appear virtually for a few minutes instead.

The fancy Liberal fundraiser advertised as “An Evening with the RT.HON. Justin Trudeau” took place at the Aria Convention Centre in Surrey B.C., where around 100 locals gathered outside to protest against the prime minister's scheduled appearance.

Such cold welcomes for Prime Minister Trudeau are becoming more and more common across the country. Just the day prior to this event, Trudeau was heckled and told “you’re not welcome here” by Indigenous protesters before the speaking at the one year anniversary of the announcement of unmarked graves at a Kamloops residential school.

Rebel News had our boots on the ground to give you an up close and personal look at why protesters chose to protest Trudeau’s appearance at the banquet hall. One protester told us, “I shifted my whole life, my family, from Hong Kong to escape communism to come here, and I’m not doing it again.”

Others shared similar concerns regarding the direction Canada is heading, including the inability to leave Canada if unvaccinated for COVID-19, and the belief that the government has lacked transparency when it comes to the declared COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite not having any reporters on the ground amongst the protesters like Rebel News did, government-backed media outlets like the National Post and CBC reported that Trudeau cancelled the appearance due to safety concerns after racial slurs were allegedly hurled at some of those present.

As reported by the CBC, Surrey City Centre MP Randeep Sarai claimed there were a lot of “South Asian volunteers... that were harassed, sworn at, called towel head, rag head, you're all immigrants.”

And a statement from Cpl. Vanessa Munn of the Surrey detachment for the RCMP reads that “due to the size and composition of the protest group and for the safety of everyone in attendance, a decision was made that it was not safe for the prime minister to attend the location.”

Rebel News had our camera and audio rolling continuously while covering the protest, and while we did capture some protesters yelling, cursing, and chanting things like “Trudeau must go” at guests arriving, we were unable find any evidence of any of the protesters making racist comments.

Despite many in attendance at the protests filming the event on their cellphones, we could find no video or first person accounts of the alleged racial slurs reported by the legacy media.

Rebel News has sent an inquiry to MP Sarai and the Aria Convention Centre in an attempt to gain more context to the claims of racism at the protest and did not receive a response.

You can watch above and see for yourself what took place during the protest.

If you appreciate that Rebel News gives you an up close an personal account of such protests, please consider donating at to help us continue to do so.

Drea Humphrey

B.C. Bureau Chief

Based in British Columbia, Drea Humphrey reports on Western Canada for Rebel News. Drea’s reporting is not afraid to challenge political correctness, or ask the tough questions that mainstream media tends to avoid.


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