Trudeau’s Secret Plan: What he’ll do to us if he wins again
Trudeau’s Secret Plan: What he’ll do to us if he wins again is the much-anticipated sequel to the best-selling Canadian political book of 2019, The Libranos — a book the Trudeau government is still prosecuting in the courts.
But as Trudeau slouches towards the 2025 election campaign, he’s more desperate than ever; more corrupt than ever; more angry than ever; and more determined than ever to hold on to power at all costs.
What happens if he actually pulls it off? Trudeau’s Secret Plan weaves together different threads of Trudeau’s obsessions, from financial corruption to globalism to his complex censorship schemes.
Backed into a corner, Trudeau has never been more dangerous. This book is a must-read for anyone who cares about Canada and wants to stop Trudeau from destroying it.
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About the Author
Ezra Levant is a human rights activist, journalist and the publisher of Rebel News. His previous best-selling books include Ethical Oil: The case for Canada’s oilsands and Trumping Trudeau: How Donald Trump will change Canada even if Justin Trudeau doesn’t know it yet. He was awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for advancing freedom of expression.